Even if you understand the benefits of an automated contract management system, you might not know which software to choose! With so many options on the market, it’s essential to think about your organization’s needs and the features and benefits of each program. As an expert Salesforce consultancy, we understand the benefits of using Salesforce to build robust client relationships that help you maximize your profits. That’s why we love working with Conga as our automated contract management system. Conga integrates seamlessly with Salesforce and has all the features and benefits you should be looking for! But don’t just take our word for it – here are 4 reasons we love Conga:
Conga is User-friendly
Conga enables your team to manage everything related to vendors, employees, partners, and more electronically. It automates the contracting process, making it faster to sign, send, receive and process contracts from any client anywhere. Conga completely transforms the way your business handles internal contracting. But the best part? Its positive user experience will encourage consistent, long-term use of the system.
Some features we love are:
- The ability to create contracts from accurate, error-free templates
- Batching documents to send from a single screen
- Automated approval routing based on workflows
- A standard, searchable repository to store contracts
- A myriad of customization options to fit your unique business.
Conga Expedites the Process
Gone are the days of faxing and mailing documents. Conga is a flexible contract management system that lets your employees create, assign, collaborate, manage, and execute contracts in minutes! From sending to signing to processing, your salespeople will close deals quicker with Conga and ensure client satisfaction. Plus, all signatures can be done electronically, and these signatures are both legally binding and secure. With a contract management system like Conga, you’ll have essential documents signed, sealed and delivered in mere minutes.
Conga Reduces Risk
Contracts typically contain sensitive data that is shared both internally and externally. So, your contract management system must be safe and secure. Fortunately, Conga is designed to protect data even when multiple people in your organization access it. Furthermore, Conga looks for errors within the contract so you can focus on business instead of missed contract renewals, lost savings on discounts, or noncompliance issues as a result of unmet contractual obligations. Your legal team will also love Conga because they can use it to preselect clauses and terms while managing and tracking third-party contracts.
Conga Streamlines Your Processes
Conga provides insight into where your document stands in the contracting process. You can see if your client has opened your document, or if action is needed. Moreover, you’ll have the ability to monitor engagement, track documents, share, and export data, and compare document versions, without ever leaving Salesforce. This is the best way to keep everyone on your team in the loop throughout the entire contracting process and significantly reduce delays and lowers the cost of storing paper files.
Conga and Arketek Go Hand in Hand
Our mission at Arketek is to streamline and improve business processes to create a seamless user experience for employees, clients, and partners. We specialize in understanding and analyzing our clients’ needs to optimize and improve your sales, help build better relationships with your clients, and keep the inner workings of your business clean and organized. How do we accomplish this? By helping you implement Salesforce and all it’s third-party apps such as Conga! If you’re looking to transform your business or take it to the next level, get in touch with us today and find out how Salesforce, Conga, and Arketek will help you reach your business goals.